
Sulphuric Acid

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British Pharmacopoeia 1867

Sulphuric Acid Acidum Sulphuricum

“An acid produced by the combustion of sulphur and the oxidation of the resulting sulphurous acid by means of nitrous vapours.” 18


“A colourless liquid of oily appearance, intensely acid and corrosive.” 18 Used in preparations of 19:

  • Preparations containing free Sulphuric Acid
  • Acidum Sulphuricum aromaticum
  • Acidum Sulphuricum dilutum
  • Infusum Rosae acidum

Preparations of Sulphuric Acid

Citric Acid / Acidum Citricum 8

  • Lemon-juice (4 pints), Prepared chalk (4 ½ oz), Sulphuric acid (2 ½ fl oz), distilled water (as needed)
  • dose: 10-30 grains
  • used in the preparations of: Succus Limonis, Syrupus Limonis

Hydrochloric Acid / Acidum Hydrochloricum 11

  • syn: Acidum Muriaticum Purum
  • chloride of sodium, dried (48 oz), sulphuric acid (44 fl oz), water (36 fl oz), distilled water (50 fl oz)
  • included in the preparations of: Acidum Hydrochloricum dilutum, Acidum Nitro-hydrochloricum dilutum, Liquor Antimonii Chloridi, Liquor Arsenici Hydrochloricus, Liquor Morphiae Hydrochloatis

Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid / Acidum Hydrocyanicum dilutum 13-14

  • yellow prussiate of potash (2 ¼ oz), sulphuric acid (1 fl oz), distilled water (30 fl oz, or as needed)
  • dose: 2-8 minims
  • used in the preparation of: Vapor Acidi Hydrocyanici

Aromatic Sulphuric Acid / Acidum Sulphuricum aromacticum 19-20

  • sulphuric acid (3 fl oz, or 2419 grains), rectified spirit (2 pints), cinnamon bark, in coarse powder (2 oz), ginger, in coarse powder (1 ¼ oz)
  • dose: 5-30 minims

Diluted Sulphuric Acid / Acidum Sulphuricum Dilutum 20

  • sulphuric acid (7 fl oz), distilled water (as needed)
  • or: sulphuric acid (1350 grains), distilled water (as needed)
  • dose: 5-30 minims
  • used in preparation of: Infusum Rosae acidum

Sulphurous Acid / Acidum Sulphurosum 21

  • sulphuric acid (4 fl oz), wood charcoal, broken into small pieces (1 oz), water (2 fl oz), distilled water (20 fl pz)
  • dose: ½-1 fl drachm

Tartaric Acid / Acidum Tartaricum 23-24

  • acid tartarate of potash (45 oz), distilled water ( as needed), prepared chalk (12 ½ oz), chloride of calcium (13 ½ oz), sulphuric acid (13 fl oz)
  • dose: 10-30 grains

Aconitia / Aconitia 25-6

  • “An alkaloid obtained from aconite.”
  • aconite root, in coarse powder (14 lb) rectified spirit (as needed), distilled water (as needed), solution of ammonia (as needed), pure ether (as needed), diluted sulphuric acid (as needed)
  • used to prepare: Unguentum Aconitiae

Ether / Aether 28-29

  • syn: Aether Sulphuricus
  • rectified spirit (50 fl oz), sulphuric acid (10 fl oz), chloride of calcium (10 fl oz), slaked lime (1/2 oz), distilled water (13 fl oz)
  • dose: 20-60 minims
  • used in preparations of: Aether Purus, Collodium, Collodium Flexile, Liquor Epispasticus, Spiritus Aetheris

Sulphurated Antimony / Antimonium Sulphuratum 40

  • syn: antimonii oxysulphuretum, antimonii sulphuretum aureum, antimonii sulphuretum praecipitatum
  • back antimony (10 oz), solution of soda (4 ½ pints), diluted sulphuric acid (as needed), distilled water (as needed)
  • dose: 1-5 grains
  • used in preparations of: Pilula Hydrargyri Subchloridi composita

Atropia / Atropia 49-50

  • “An alkaloid obtained from Belladonna”
  • belladonna root, recently dried, and in coarse powder (2 lb), rectified spirit (10 pint), slaked lime (1 oz), diluted sulphuric acid (as needed), carbonate of potash (as needed), purified animal charcoal (as needed), distilled water (10 fl oz)
  • used in the preparations of: Atropiae Liquor, Atropiae Sulphas, Atropiae Sulphatis Liquor, Atropiae Unguentum

Sulphate of Atropia / Atropiae Sulphas 50-51

  • atropia (120 grains), distilled water (4 fl drachm), diluted sulphuric acid (as needed)
  • used in the preparations of: Liquor Atropiae Sulphatis

Sulphate of Beberia / Beberiae Sulphas 52-54

  • Bebeerus bark, in coarse powder (1 lb), sulphuric acid (1/2 fl oz), slaked lime (3/4 oz, or as needed), solution of ammonia (as needed), rectified spirit (16 fl oz, or as needed), diluted sulphuric acid (as needed) water (1 gal), distilled water (as needed)
  • dose: 1-10 grains

Sulphate of Copper / Cupri Sulphas 94-95

  • “May be obtained by heating sulphuric acid and copper together, dissolving the coluble product in hot water, and evaporating the solution until crystallisation takes place on cooling.”
  • dose: ¼-2 grains 9astringent), 5-10 grains (emetic)

Citrate of Iron and Quinia / Ferri et Quiniae Citras 132-133

  • solution of persulphate of iron (4 ½ fl oz), sulphate of quinia (1 oz), diluted sulphuric acid (12 fl drachms), citric acid (3 oz), solution of ammonia (as needed), distilled water ( as needed)
  • dose: 5-10 grains

Sulphate of Iron / Ferri Sulphas 138

  • iron wire (4 oz), sulphuric acid (4 fl oz), distilled water (1 ½ pint)
  • dose: 1-5 grains
  • used in the preparations of: Ferri Sulphas exsiccate, Pilula Aloes et Ferri

Granulated Sulphate of Iron / Ferri Sulphas Granulata 139

  • iron wire (4 oz), sulphuric acid (4 fl oz), distilled water (1 ½ pint), rectified spirit (8 fl oz)
  • dose: 1-5 grains

Reduced Iron / Ferrum Redactum 140-41

  • Hydrate of peroxide of iron (1 oz), zinc, granulated (as needed), sulphuric acid (as needed), chloride of calcium (as needed)
  • dose: 1-5 grains

Acid Infusion of Roses / Infusum Rosae Acidum 136

  • dried red-rose petals, broken up (1/4 oz), diluted sulphuric acid (1 fl drachm), boiling distilled water (10 fl oz)
  • dose: 1-2 fl oz

Solution of Persulphate of Iron / Liquor Ferri Persulphatis 188-89

  • Sulphate of iron (8 oz), sulphuric Acid (6 fl drachms), Nitric acid (6 fl drachm), distilled water (12 fl oz, or as needed)
  • used in preparations of: Ferri et Ammoniae Citras, Ferri et Quiniae Citras, Ferri Oxidum magneticum, Ferri Peroxidum humidum, Ferrum Tartaratum, Tinctura Ferri Acetatis.

Permanganate of Potash / Potassae Permanganas 254-55

  • caustic potash (5 oz), black oxide of manganese, in fine powder (4 oz), chlorate of potash (3 ½ oz), diluted sulphuric acid (as needed), distilled water (2 ½ pints)
  • used in preparations of: Liquor Potassae Permanganatis

Sulphate of Quinia / Quiniae Sulphas 268-69

  • yellow cinchona bark, in coarse powder (1 lb), hydrochloric acid (3 fl oz), distilled water (as needed) solution of soda (4 pints), diluted sulphuric acid (268)
  • dose: 1-10 grains
  • used in the preparation of: ferri et quiniae Citras, Pilula Quiniae, Tinctura Quiniae, Vinum Quiniae

Phosphate of Soda / Dosae Phosphae 290-91

  • bone-ash, in powder (10 lb), sulphuric acid (56 fl oz), distilled water (4 ½ gal, or as needed), carbonate of soda (16 lb, or as needed)
  • dose: ¼-1 oz
  • used in preparations of: Ferri Phosphas, Syrupus Ferri Phosphatis

Valerianate of Soda / Sodae Valerianas 292

  • amylic alcohol (fousel oil) (4 fl o), bichromate of potash (9 oz), sulphuric acid (6 ½ fl oz), solution of soda (as needed), distilled water (1/2 gal)
  • dose: 1-5 grains
  • used in preparations of: zinci valerianas

Spirit of Nitrous Ether / Spiritus Aetheris Nitrosi 293-94

  • Nitric Acid (3 fl oz), sulphuric acid (2 fl oz), copper, in fine wire (about no 25) (2 oz), rectified spirit (as needed)
  • dose: ½ - 2 fl drachm

Sulphate of Zinc / Zinci Sulphas 373-74

  • granulated zinc (16 oz), sulphuric acid (12 fl oz), distilled water (4 pints), solution of chlorine (as needed), carbonate of zinc (1/2 oz, or as needed)
  • dose: 1-3 grains (tonic), 10-30 grains (emetic)
  • used in the preparations of: zinci carbonas, zinci valerianas

Sulphurated Hydrogen / Test Solution 383

  • sulphide of iron (1/2 oz), water (4 fl oz), sulphuric acid (as needed)

Solution of Sulphate of Indigo / Test Solution 390

  • indigo, dry and in fine powder (5 grains), sulphuric acid (10 fl oz)

A Compendium of Domestic Medicine, 1865

All page numbers are recorded as (PDF #/SOURCE #)

Sulphuric acid is classified by Savory as a Caustic and Counter-irritant (remedies which chemically destroy or burn the animal tissues when locally applied) (412/391).

“This acid is prescribed chiefly in the form of elixir of vitriol, which is the acid, in a state of dilution, with an aromatic added. Mixed with nitre, it is used for fumigating chambers, externally, it has been used with advantage for the itch, in the proportion of half a drachm to an ounce of lard. This ointment is also useful in case of ringworm.” (30/9)

Sulphuric acid can be used to fumigate a room (Nitrous Fumigations) by pouring one ounce on top of two ounces of nitrate of potash, “in a large tea-cup placed in a basin containing hot water… This quantity will be sufficient for a small apartment, and may be used in a sick-room, provided it be placed at some distance from the patient.” (203/182)

Remedies Containing or to be used with Sulphuric Acid

  • Acid, Sulphuric, Diluted (30-31/9-10): given in a dose of 10-30 minims as a tonic. Also used as an astringent to treat epidemic diarrhoea and cholera. Diluted sulphuric acid is included in a gargle used to treat putrid sore throat and quinsy. It is also included in a tonic draught, and a tonic mixture.
  • Beberine, Sulphate of (52/31): dilute sulphuric acid is used when making pills to “render it completely soluble.”
  • Epsom Salt (76/55): “The best way of giving the Epsom salts is in the infusion or confection of roses, acidulated with diluted sulphuric acid, in which form it allays the vomiting which often occurs in fevers, when other means fail.”
  • Gentian Root (90/69): Diluted sulphuric acid included in a draught to be given in cases of dyspepsia, where nausea and aversion to food are present.
  • Rose Leaves (148/117): a tonic can be made in combination with diluted sulphuric acid (to acidulate the mixture) to treat chronic coughs.

Diseases Treated with

General Diseases

  • Erysipelas (252/231): in serious cases that exhibit skin irritations with low or typhoid fevers (especially if there is “a tendency to gangrene,”) sulphuric acid is to be given in a tonic that includes bark. This is used to support the patient’s strength.
  • Putrid Sore Throat (271/250): Diluted sulphuric acid is included in a gargle.
  • Vomiting of Blood (280/259): a decoction of bark that is acidulated with diluted sulphuric acid is to be given once a haemorrhage has ceased.
  • Whites, or Fluor Albus (284): diluted sulphuric acid is included in a preparation of steel that is to be administered during the onset of the disease.

Medical Articles Containing

  • Compound Infusion of Roses (311/290): diluted sulphuric acid. “Used as a vehicle for Epsom salts and Quinine, the nauseous taste of which it partly conceals.”

Prescriptions Containing


  • Astringent Mixture (Another) (340/319): diluted sulphuric acid

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