
Pink Root

From London's Ghost Acres

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Pink root, or Indian Pink can be used to refer to a number of flowering plants in North America, and it is not clear which variety is being listed in the import data. One type of Pink root was used in North America to expel worms from the system, but has to be followed by a saline aperient, or else symptoms such as dizziness, muscular spasms, and increased heart rate could occur.

Pink root is only mentioned shortly in the Compendium, and is used for the purpose of an anthelmintic (expelling worms), but can have a noted narcotic effect.

A Compendium of Domestic Medicine, 1865

Small entry in CDM, but is noted as an anthelmintic (antiparasitic), esp regarding lumbrici (roundworms).

Can have a narcotic effect, mostly notes for vermifuge, but sometimes has sometimes been useful treating intermittent fevers.[1]

can have some serious side-effects:

"disturbed vision, dizziness, muscular spasms, twitching eyelids, increased action of the heart. In large doses, these are increased, both circulation and respiration being depressed and loss of muscular power caused, and cases have been known resulting, in children, in death from convulsions"

no other mention of it in CDM or in Pharmacopoeia :(


  1. Savory, John. A Compendium of Domestic Medicine (London: John Churchill and Sons, 1865), 105.