
Olive Oil

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Used in soap-making.

Olive Oil

A Compendium of Domestic Medicine, 1865

All page numbers are recorded as (PDF #/SOURCE #)

Olive oil can be given to treat coughs and catarrhs, and can be rubbed on the body to treat dropsy. “When olive oil is used in salads, or as a seasoning for raw vegetables, it seems to render then more digestible, and prevents them from producing flatulence; but when taken in large quantities it cloys that stomach, and becomes the source of dyspeptic affections.”

Olive oil is one of the recommended lubricants for use with the Indian-Rubber Bottle when performing an enema. (370/349)

Remedies Containing or to be used with Olive Oil

  • Ammonia, Water of (39/18): olive oil included in “Ammoniated Liniment” and “The Ammoniated Liniment with Camphor,” presumably as a binding agent
  • Laudanum (113/92): combined with olive oil (or other oils) to make a liniment for “rubbing parts attacked with pains or spasms; and, when applied to the pit of the stomach, it frequently stops violent and continued vomiting.”
  • Oil of Cajuput (128/107): diluted with olive oil to form a rubefacient to treat gout and rheumatism and also provide relief and restoring joints weakened by sprains.
  • Oil of Olives (129/108): see def
  • Plaster, Blister (140/119): once the rubefacient takes effect (reddening of the skin), the area should be bathed in a mixture of laudanum and olive oil. If irritation continues, lime-water and olive oil or lard can be applied to provide some relief.
  • Spirit of Camphor (160/139): combined with olive oil to create a liniment used on areas strained or affected by chronic rheumatism. It can also be applied to relieve chilblains.

Diseases Treated with Olive Oil

General Diseases

  • Burns and Scalds (231/210): “Equal parts of lime-water and olive oil are also used to allay the heat and inflammation consequent upon burns and scalds.” Olive oil is used in combination with Goulard’s water and rose water to form a liniments. “Equal parts of chloroform, olive oil and lime-water, has been found highly useful in superficial burns.”

Medical Articles Containing Olive Oil

  • Cathartic or Purging Clyster (318/297): olive oil “This clyster is used to relieve the bowels when cathartics do not sufficiently act, or where it is found inconvenient to exhibit them by the mouth”
  • Deafness from Deficient Secretion of Wax (320/299): olive oil (two drops in the ear at bedtime)

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