
Nine Elms Gas Works

From London's Ghost Acres

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"Nine Elms Gas Works were built in 1858 by the London Gas Light Company, on the site of a former tidal mill on the south bank of the River Thames. The company was taken over by the Gas Light & Coke Company in 1883. The works covered 20 acres (8 ha) and once employed 800 people.The works were damaged in Second World War air raids.

Coal was delivered by flatiron coastal colliers. After the works were rebuilt, a new jetty and coal handling plant were added in 1952.

Nine Elms Gas Works closed in 1970 as a result of Britain's conversion to natural gas from the North Sea. The site has since been redeveloped for a Royal Mail depot and other commercial units."

“In 1897 CWG was introduced at Nine Elms and between 1907 and 1930 the works switched from inclined to vertical retorts.”

Gas works were used to produce and store flammable coal gas. Coal was mined in Britain and then shipped on a barge up rivers or on trains to the gas works. There it was burned to create the gas, which was then purified and put into the gas holders until needed for consumer use to light streets and buildings. The process also created coke, tar, ammonia, and sulphur as by-products.


1858 to 1970


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Gas, Tar, Coke, Ammonia, Sulphur

Used Raw Materials



From To Owner
1858 1883 London Gas Light Company
1883 1949 Gas Light & Coke Company
1949 1970 North Thames Gas Board


From To Industry
1858 1970 Coal Gas Industry