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British Pharmacopoeia 1867

Preparations of Antimony

Oxide of Antomony / Antimonii Oxidum

  • SbO3 or Sb2O3
  • Made by combining Solution of Chloride of Antimony (16 fl oz), Carbonate of Soda (6 oz), Water (2 gallons), and distilled water (a sufficient amount). (38)
  • “A greyish-white powder, fusible at a low red heat, insoluble in water, but readily dissolved by hydrochloric acid. The solution, dropped into distilled water, gives a white deposit, at once changes to orange by sulphuretted hydrogen. It dissolves entirely when boiled with an excess of the acid tartarate of potash.” Given in the dosage of 1-4 grains. (38-39)
  • used in the preparations of antimonium tartaratum, and pulvis antimonialis (1 part in 3) (38)

Black Antimony / Antimonium Nigrum (synonym: prepared sulphuret of antimony, 1864)

  • “Native sulphide of antimony… purified from siliceous matter by fusion, and afterwards reduced to fine powder.” (39)
  • “A greyish-black crystalline powder. It dissolves almost entirely in boiling hydrochloric acid, evolving in sulphuretted hydrogen.” (39)
  • used in the preparation of Antimonium Sulphuratum, and Liquor Antimonii Chloridi (39)

Sulphurated Antimony / Antimonium Sulphuratum (syn: antimonii oxysulphuretum, antimonii sulphuretum aureum, antimonii sulphuretum praecipitatum)

  • sulphide of antimony (aka Black Antimony) that also contains a “small and variable amount of oxide of antimony” (40)
  • to make, black antimony (10 oz) is combined with a solution of soda (4 ½ pints), distilled water, and diluted sulphuric acid. (40)
  • “An orange-red powder, readily dissolved by caustic soda, but also hydrochloric acid with the evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen and the separation of a little sulphur. Boiled in water with acid tartare or potash, the resulting solution is precipitated orange red with sulphuretted gydrogen. Sixty grains of this preparation, dissolved in hydrochloric acid and dropped into water, give a white precipitate, which, when washed and dried, weighs about 53 grains.” Given in a dosage of 1-5 grains.
  • when prepared it can form Pilula Hydrargyri Subchloridi composita (1 part in 5) (compound pill of subchloride of mercury)

Tartarated Antimony / Antimonium Tartaratum (syn: antimonii potassop-tartras, antimonium tartarizatum, emetic tartar)

  • “A tartarate of potash and antimony” (41)
  • made by combining Oxide of Antimony (5 oz), Acid Tartarate of Potash, in fine powder (6 oz), and distilled water (2 pints) (41)
  • “In colourless transparent crystals exhibiting triangular facets, soluble in water, and less so I proof spirit. It decrepitates and blackens upon the application of heat. Its solution in water gives with hydrochloric acid and white precipitate, soluble in excess, and which is not formed if tartaric acid be previously added. Twenty grains dissolved without residue in a fluid ounce of distilled water at 60°, and the solution givens with sulphuretted hydrogen an orange precipitate which, when washed and dried at 212°, weights 9.91 grains.” Given in a dosage of 1/16 - 1/6 of a grain as a diaphoretic, and 1-2 grains as an emetic. (41)
  • It is used in the preparations of Unguentum Antimonii Tartarati (1 part in 5) and in Vinum Antimoniale (2 grains in 1 fl oz) (41)

Solution of Chloride of Antimony / Liquor Antimonii Chloridi

  • black antimony (1 pound) us combined with hydrochloric acid (4 pints) (179)
  • “A heavy liquid usually of a yellowish-red colour.” (180)
  • it is used in the preparation of Antimonii Oxidum

Compund Pill of Subchloride of Mercury / Pilula Hydrargyri Subchloridi Composita (syn: pilula calomelanos composite, 1864)

  • subchloride of mercury (1 oz), sulphurated antimony (2 oz), guaiacum resin, in powder (2 oz), and castor oil (approximately 1 of oz) are combined (238)
  • given in the dosage of 5-10 grains

Antimonial Powder / Pulvis Antimonialis

  • oxide of antimony (1 oz) mixed with phosphate of lime (2 oz)
  • given in the dosage of 3-19 grains

Ointment of Tartarated Antimony / Unguentum Antimonii Tartarati

  • tartarated antimony, in fine powder (1/4 oz) is combined with a simple ointment (1 oz)

Antimonial Wine / Vinum Antimoniale

  • Tartarated Antimony (40 grains) is dissolved into 1 pint of Sherry
  • given in a dosage of 5 minims, to 1 fluid drachm

A Compendium of Domestic Medicine, 1865

Mentioned in the form of tartarised antimony (tartar emetic). Tartar emetic and Butter of Antimony classified as Mineral Poisons (199)

antimonial powder: a powder consisting of one part oxide of antimony and two parts phosphate of calcium that has been used as a diaphoretic, emetic, and cathartic —called also James's powder (

Given for a few of childhood diseases

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